The original and still the best
With its attached seats, the SICO® Table Seating Unit (TSU) can serve 25%-40% more students than tables with chairs in the same space. Students are not only seated more efficiently, but aisle widths can be reduced and there will be no more noisy scraping of chairs.
Save Labour and Energy!
From stationary to mobile in a matter of moments, the SICO® TSU can be folded and rolled out of the way far faster than any table with loose chairs. This results in significant savings in labour.
A Quieter, Safer Environment
Tables with attached seats eliminate the noise of chairs moving around and banging together. They also eliminate aisle blockage that can occur with chairs. With attached seating, floors retain their beauty longer and your staff spend less time maintaining them. The SICO® TSU is also very easy to handle. The unit’s fold and roll easily, and nest together for compact storage.
Quality and Performance
SICO® TSU tables have been proven in over 50 years of use. SICO®TSU tables feature an attractive design and rugged construction that stands up to the hard use that comes in a school setting. With many laminate, top colours and seat colours to choose from, the TSU is an attractive table in any environment.
12 seater units
Model Number: TTJ103-24X
• Length: 3051mm
• Height: 660mm